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RE: [microsound] [OT] Philip Glass

Saw a pretty incredible performance here in Chicago a few years back...a
Philip Glass-Robert Wilson collaboration called Monsters of Grace.  It was
strange and different, 3D visuals (complete with polarized glasses) and
beautiful music.  Very interesting.

The coup de grace of my Philip Glass experiences, however, has to be his
speech and performance at my graduation ceremony from the School of the Art
Institute of Chicago.  I hadn't known ahead of time who was speaking, or
really what was going to happen at all...typical of my submersive graduate
experience.  So I showed up early Saturday morning, sat down, started
reading the program...and nearly jumped out of my seat with excitement.  He
so eloquently summed up the devotion that one needs to succeed at creating
something, the frustrations of significant others when one is focused on
that task, and then proceeded to perform three solo pieces for piano that
were just incredible.  Graduate school was a tough, grueling process for me,
but that alone made it all worth while...

     Christopher Sorg
   Multimedia Artist/Instructor
 The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

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