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RE: [microsound] bart (try Chicago!)
I'm quite fond of Chicago's public transportation. When I first moved here
(in 96) I was forced to drive to the suburbs for work. The traffic drove me
mad. Shortly thereafter I decided there was no reason I needed to drive to
work, and I've been happily riding the metro and using the both ever since.
It's nearly as quick and far less stressful. Many of those who travel from
the suburbs also use the metra, the larger passenger trains that go from the
suburbs to the city. Driving in this city isn't really necessary unless
your going somewhere out of the way at night, or going grocery shopping or
When I visited Seattle I also felt that the bus travel was pretty decent.
But in Ohio, forget it. I don't know how you'd get anywhere without a car.
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist/Instructor
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
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