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Re: [microsound] bart (try Chicago!)
For an example of public transport that works - pop over here to Hong Kong ..
Both cheap and ultra efficient !
Christopher Sorg wrote:
> I'm quite fond of Chicago's public transportation. When I first moved here
> (in 96) I was forced to drive to the suburbs for work. The traffic drove me
> mad. Shortly thereafter I decided there was no reason I needed to drive to
> work, and I've been happily riding the metro and using the both ever since.
> It's nearly as quick and far less stressful. Many of those who travel from
> the suburbs also use the metra, the larger passenger trains that go from the
> suburbs to the city. Driving in this city isn't really necessary unless
> your going somewhere out of the way at night, or going grocery shopping or
> something.
> When I visited Seattle I also felt that the bus travel was pretty decent.
> But in Ohio, forget it. I don't know how you'd get anywhere without a car.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Christopher Sorg
> Multimedia Artist/Instructor
> The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
> http://www.csorg.org
> csorg@xxxxxxxxx
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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