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[ot] apple Q
Hello all.
I was wondering if any list members could help me out.
I`m very much interested in purchasing an Apple laptop
to use all the excellent mac only music software that
i`m currently missing. I especially would like to run
cubase and MAX/MSP with my nord modular. I was looking
at a G3 ibook, however on reading reviews i have
gotten a mixed view on this machine as many say it is
slow and poor at multitasking programs.....further
problems come from the fact that i will need to run
MACOS 9 as the nord modular software isn`t OSX
compatible. Since i know many of the list members are
apple users and i was wondering if any of you have
experience in this area and could lend that experience
to helping me make an informed choice......any help
would be greatly appreciated.
thank you
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