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Re: [microsound] ovalprocess_info

hi there

I made a recording at the Seesound festival in
Denmark, where Markus Popp gives a lecture about the
software and demonstrates it. Not too impressive, it´s
a basic player made in Director, enabling the user to
play around with prerecorded ovalsounds. It has been
shown at various exhibitions as an installation

the ramfiles are here, including lectures by f.x.
randomiz and others:



--- "nodolby@xxxxxxxxx" <nodolby@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hi to all!!!
> - probably it's an old question... -
> but anybody have some info about OVALPROCESS ?
> the software created by Richard Ross and Markus Popp
> (Oval)
> in all this time i find only this:
> http://wecurious.com/portfolio/index032.html
> tnx to all 
> mic
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