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Re: [microsound] ¼ project

on 3/6/03 8:15 PM, Eloy Anzola at eloy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> Did you make this page?
>> http://=20
>> 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209.autopron.org/
>> pi

No. It was from a link on the list(I can't remember who or I'd give them
> It is very cool.
> I wonder if you wouldn't mind sending the .cwk file, I would
> love to somehow use it on the design of the project page.

 Oh yeah , it's just a paste from the html page. Better yet might be
photoshop images from =BC , or from the soundfiles I worked with...anyone
interested (I don't have photoshop)?

