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07.03.03 - framework playlist

Framework is broadcast alternate Fridays on Resonance FM, 104.4 in London
(UK), or worldwide on www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm GMT.
(time zone converter:

Next broadcast: 21.03.03


Framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized
sound activity
presented by Patrick McGinley

this may be the last playlist for a few shows (the show goes on as normal,
of course) as i will be out of town for a month, and don't know yet if i've
managed to make my address book portable.  in any case, lots of great
material coming up over the next few weeks, and some morelive activity inthe
next few months as well.  thanks for sending all the intro submissions, i'm
determined to use each one i receive so keep them coming!  more info on
recording a framework intro at the end of the list.  this week, a few tracks
from the compilation accompanying brandon labelle and steve roden's site of
sound: of architecture and the ear book, as well as a new release on
and/oar, and a long lost disc of submissions made by derek holzer and ego
(sorry for the delay, gentlemen).

as ever, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field
recordings or field recording based composition.  send material, released or
not, on any format, to the address below.   we are also hoping to have live
performances as often as possible, so if you are in or passing through
london please get in touch!

31 Nevill Road
London N16 8SL




(artist  /  title  /  album  /  label)

gary higgins  /  framework intro: recorded by hanging a guitar out a window
in a snowstorm, and speaking the text through the pickup...

hildegard westercamp  /  sensitive chaos  /  site of sound (compilation)  /
errant bodies press
environmental sound collage from this german/canadian sound artist
westerka@xxxxxx, http://www.kunstradio.at/BIOS/westerkampbio.html,

derek holzer /  aqueous solution  /  -  /  -
a microscopic voyage through the innards of a radiator - available on the
website below
derek@xxxxxx, http://acoustic.space.re-lab.net/lab/

jarra  /  -  /  sama'1  /  and/OAR
untreated field recording at dusk in taman negara, malaysia
jarrasch@xxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.and-oar.org

seth nehil  /  nimbus  /  tracing the skins of clouds  /  kaon
organic drones composed in '98 on the french kaon label

murmer  /  ropes blowing against hollow flagpoles in the wind in st. malot,

omnid  /  magnetic paper  /  -  /  -
composition using a pile of wood and a metal support beam

ego  /  calle  /  -  /  -
untreated sounds from a narrow street canal in venice - available at first
address below
http://digilander.libero.it/eeegggooo/venice/, http://www.egzero.org/

john hudak  /  construction  /  site of sound (compilation)  /  errant
bodies press
minimal stactic shuimmering of unknown source
jhudak@xxxxxxxxx, http://www.johnhudak.net/, http://www.errantbodies.org/

RLW  /  REFRIG*#1:4  /  site of sound (compilation)  /  errant bodies press
scratching drones, one guesses a refrigerator as origin?
http://www.selektion.com/,  http://www.errantbodies.org/


framework intro submissions:

1)    take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your
2)    record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
3)    read the following text:

Welcome to Framework.

Framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in

Field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and

4)    continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish

5)    send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3
via email

