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Re: [microsound] translation -- not an useful response
Between this and the weedwacker powered high school science project of mass
destruction this administration is looking unusually stupid this week. If I
spoke french, I'd move to france...
what about french kiss !
> hey - i like those ones!
> speaking of french/france has anybody seen this crap:
> http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/03/11/sprj.irq.fries/index.html
> can you believe this shit? the world is being ru(i)n(ed) by children...
sad sad world
> g.
> "sumoto.iki" wrote:
>> son à texture miniature [~]
>> sonorité microscopique [~]
>> rythme infinitésimal [~]
>> musique de l'invisible [~]
>> subtile résonance suggestive [~]
>> minus[bruit] [~]
>> animacule musicale [~]
>> hi-fi-ri-qui-qui [?]
>> file://--//
>> sumoto.iki°-°
>> -----
>> http://www.arsonore.net
>> 'media music form and webnoize'
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "mchlsllm" <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 11:35 PM
>> Subject: Re: [microsound] translation -- not an useful response
>> from what i research there : http://www.iannis-xenakis.org/livres.htm
>> the best translation is "microstructure des sons"
>>> micro-son?
>> petit son
>>> son-miniscule?
>> :)
>>> it's been a while since i've used the french immersion...
>>> g.
>>> Eloy Anzola wrote:
>>>> Microsound Babel Fish Translation
>>>> En Français: microsound
>>>> Your complete message:
>>>> "est-ce que n'importe qui peut suggérer une traduction
>>>> de 'microsound 'dans le Français? y a-t-il une limite
>>>> correspondante en français qui peuplent l'utilisation?
>>>> merci,"
>>>> and back to english:
>>>> "an no matter who suggest a translation of ' microsound '
>>>> in the French? is there a corresponding French limit
>>>> who populates the use? thank you,"
>>>> much fun at:
>>>> http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/
>>>> This was not a very useful response,
>>>> sorry and cheers,
>>>> Eloy
>>>> ------
>>>> eloy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> http://groovylab.com/
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: ian stewart [mailto:artsonics@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:57 PM
>>>> To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Subject: [microsound] translation
>>>> can anyone suggest a translation of 'microsound' into french? is there
>>>> corresponding term in french that people use? thanks,
>>>> ian
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