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Re: [microsound] sci-fi cinema and music

At 7:57 PM -0500 3/13/03, graham miller wrote:
>i'm trying to draw up a list of all the science-fiction films that have
>diagetic music within them, that is, music that can be heard by the
>characters in the film.

The Krell music mentioned by Nicholas Kent was my first thought. I 
had the advantage of being a music that was truly avant garde, as 
opposed to most of the hokey Star Wars bistro pop and xenomorph party 
music. An interesting sidelight on the Barrons' music is that they 
were profoundly influenced by Norbert Wiener and were trying to build 
sounding circuits in emulation of the human nervous system.

I'm also reminded of Gurney Halleck's baliset playing in Dune and the 
vocal duet from Iceman.

Richard Zvonar, PhD
(818) 788-2202
