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Re: [microsound] sci-fi cinema and music
>> i'm trying to draw up a list of all the science-fiction films that
>> have
>> diagetic music within them, that is, music that can be heard by the
>> characters in the film. the classic example would be the star wars
>> cantina scene, where luke meets han solo for the first time - that
>> benny
>> goodman dixielandish john williams alien band...
Are you counting TV shows as well?
There have been several episodes of Farscape that had scenes in clubs
with some very cool (albeit quite terrestrial) techno-ish/IDM music.
The was one Star Trek TNG episode where Commander Riker is in a bar
talking to some alien woman playing blues "piano." The interesting
thing was that although she was playing a standard blues, the piano-ish
sound they used was tuned in some microtonal scale, so even though it
didn't sound "alien" it still sounded unusual.
There was the scene in the Battlestar Gallactica movie where they're in
that casino, and the women on stage have two sets of eyes and mouths,
and they sing multiple parts.
And there was a Buck Rogers episode where they were at some fancy ball,
and there was a guy playing some kind of "futuristic" keyboard, and the
music was anything but futuristic -- it was bad generic late 70's TV
disco (and quite unintentionally funny, too).
Also, the opening scene in Star Trek Nemesis (the Riker/Troi wedding).
It's all 19th/20th century music, though.
I'm sure i could think of more, but I think I've more than proved my
geekhood, so i'll stop for now.