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Re: [microsound] terre thaemlitz/omicron

[some casual commentary on the MP front]:

--Just received Tim Hecker's latest, "presents 'radio amor'" on MP and its
been on constant rotation .. it approaches almost a kind of epic ambient
feel .. but on the other hand I also really dug Tim's "haunt me haunt me do
it again" on Substractif. This is more reverbish slightly similar, almost
less structured, but hits upon some *incredible* tones and frequencies that
just *hum* the way ambient should. I'm of the opinion that Tim's work is
really really good, so keep that in mind.

--Also just listened to Shuttle358's "understanding wildlife," which
although I dig, and think the title track is absolutely superb (it has this
... almost Hawaiian guitar string .. that is also found on some older
Interchill stuff from Pilgrims of the Mind aka Stephan Novak I think) sorta
comes across as a little boring for me -- although I know a few others who
really dig this album. It is precise, lots of soft clicksounds (less click
than most) with silent spacing.

--the Stewart Walker / Geoff White LP on Force Inc. is a must have for any
technohead fan of the "throw down your laptops" midwest techno minimalism
scene. Not as diverse as I had hoped, but simply, this will kick the
dancefloor in a way that is still radical for the majority of the planet.


p.p.s. Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like we are at War -- with no vote
through Congress, no UN resolution, and against the will of the collective
world. An embarrassing and black day for all humanity and possibly another
step toward the beginning of the end.

> Hi, 
> i believe the song was by Billy Joel.
> tt recently added some fresh mp3 clips at his website. I especially like
> 'turtleneck'.
> http://www.comatonse.com/listening/lovebomb.html
> I don't know what to do about mille plateaux. Have you tried sending them a
> demo of something that isn't boring?
> Omicron is the last letter of the greek alphabet; still there as far as i
> know.
> on 3/17/03 8:27 AM, r3dshift@xxxxxxxxxxxxx at r3dshift@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hows the more recent tt stuff?  the last stuff of his that
>> I purchased had glitches that sounded exactly like a
>> scratched CD and had some sort of mix/remix of that "i love
>> you just the way you are" song by paul simon maybe?
>> maybe around 1998?  I'm looking for anything between then
>> and his most recent album on mille plateaux, which i find
>> to be an incredibly boring label.
>> also, what happened to omicron?
>> -Joe
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tobias c. van Veen -----------
------------- tobias@xxxxxxxxx
---McGill Communications------
ICQ: 18766209 | AOL: thesaibot
