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Gintas K on Retinascan - ////

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GINTAS K / lithuania
experimental electronica: minimal digital ,
glitches, sine waves, noise, microwaves ;
out 2003-03-17 !
GINTAS Knew second album ////
released by Retina Scan 23
http://www.retinascan.de +mp3
(CD-R 2003 Germany )

"Gintas never felt in a race with the western electronic standard, he 
never suffered from what he calls "a complex of the former eastern 
block". However, his music makes a very different approach than most of 
the electronic new school buddies today, which are aestheticalizing 
their sound to death, turning their music into designed monochrome sonic 
tapestries for backgrounding exhibitions. On his already second release, 
Gintas K is again resisting this kind of tasty reception. (First one 
appears on Black Orchid records by the way...) Gone through an 
industrial socialisation, he up to today sticked to the physicality of 
sound. No abstraction is carrying the content. The sonic experience of 
his tracks is denying every way of functionalization. His sines and 
noises never try to represent something else than what they are, and 
these tones are massive, manifestating their presence on themselves. 
Move around when you listen to the music. Get in contact. Become sound. 
But beware: This is not nice, this is ...real".


