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Winnipeg Free Press Story
<p>Hello ,<br>Your friend s. Arden Hill thought you should read this
Winnipeg Free Press story.<p>s. Arden Hill writes:<p>Hey
<BR>Sorry for the nature of this post. This is an
article/interview i helped with. the topic is my art, but discusses ideas of
microsound, phonography and lowercase sound.
<BR>thought some of you
might like to read this. thanks for your time.
<BR>arden hill |
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<b>Friday, March 14th, 2003</b>
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<!-- S T A R T C O N T E N T H E R E -->
<p><span class="header">Microsound art a lesson in how to listen</span></p>
<p><span class="subhead"></span></p>
<p><span class="bigdate">Thursday, March 13th, 2003</span></p>
<span class="body">
<P>Underground Cafe - Janine LeGal</P>
<P>SONIC intrusion, phonography, electro-acoustic theory and practice,
lower-case philosophy, textures of sound, these are all elements of
microsound art.
What did I know about it? Absolutely nothing.
So I figured it might be interesting to find out.
I found a guide in s. arden hill, also known as duul_drv, a 28-year-old
former small-town Albertan who now lives in Winnipeg.
"Computers are usually the instrument of choice by most people involved in
the scene," states hill, 28, who performs in this medium all over the world.
The best way to understand microsound art is to think back to when you were
a child, taking the time to notice sounds as all children do naturally --
sounds like crickets in a field on a warm and otherwise quiet night, the
garbage truck loading a neighbour's trash, crowds of people talking in a
public venue, the refrigerator motor, the washing machine or the water
dripping from the faucet.
Some of these sounds can be irritating, annoying, beautiful or all of the
above, and microsound experiments with mixing to create something
esthetically fascinating.
Hill works with numerous sound sources, including recordings of urban and
organic events such as protests, bus trips and the sounds of nature. These
include the melting of ice with a microphone frozen in it, snow falling on
tinfoil and trickling streams.
"I take these sounds into the studio and create various textures of digital
noise, pretty melody and micro-rhythms that are both beautifully sonorous
and noisy," explains hill. "The final process is contrasting or layering
these textures in effective ways that are both emotive and dynamic."
Microsound art is about finding and making music using sounds not generally
associated with music as we understand it. It's about taking the time to
listen and to discover the esthetic of it. Some of the recordings I listened
to hurt my ears; others made me realize how difficult listening really is.
It can be a meditative experience.
"What you might expect to hear in a typical 'microsound'-ish track is static
transformed into beats, skipping discs melded into melodies, and various
bleeps and clicks adding accents to the beats," says hill.
Whether listening to a CD, or watching hill play live with his computers and
various other techo gadgets on stage with him, microsound becomes an
exercise in broadening our perceptions about the way music is made. The
audience still applauds, but the performance is distinctly different,
because you are watching a man on stage with objects that are not
traditionally deemed as instruments.
Music doesn't have to be about guitars and drums or keyboards, it can be a
lot of things, and this is what microsound seems to be about -- exploring
the beauty of sound in all of its wondrous and at times harsh and uglier
forms, and there are many.
Once I got over my fear of this medium, I quickly saw what it could give me
-- a lesson in how to listen.
For more information about this unique musical experimentation, check out:
phonography.org and microsound.org. Links of interest:
www.sendandreceive.org and www.lowercasesound.com
duul_drv has performed many times in Winnipeg in various venues and at the
local experimental sound festival Send & Receive hosted by Videopool and
Hill will be around the city for performances in the spring before heading
to Europe for a month-long tour. Later in the summer, he plans to play at
the New Forms Festival in Vancouver, the Garage Festival in Germany and then
in October at the Vancouver New Music Festival.
Look for duul_drv's releases at Music Trader and Into the Music in Osborne
Village or check out http://members.shaw.ca/duul_drv<p>
<em>Janine LeGal, a local arts promoter and organizer, writes Underground
Cafe twice a month, focusing on emerging artists in Winnipeg. She can be
reached at</em>
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