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RE: [microsound] go to roosia boy
-----Original Message-----
From: billashline@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:billashline@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:24 PM
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] go to roosia boy
fgrecs@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>America doesn't want or need an empire.
>America already has an empire.
Depends on what you call an empire. Guam and Puerto Rico are beautiful
in their way, but our puny commonwealth isn't exactly like the Spanish
or British, are they? If you're talking corporations, well then, that's
a different kettle of fish.
>> It is the delusional left who
>>cries that it is making one. Unlike crazed socialist types who dream
>>nothing but empires, the US is interested in itself like any other
>>country is. Money people aside (they tend to hang out in their own
>>circles, kinda like scenesters who spend too much time in one genre of
>>music), the government is not a tool of evil. A few bad apples does
>>mean eradication of the orchard.
>No it's a tool of self-interest as you say. Might makes right. This
>why al Qaeda attacked the WTC. I guess if you want to adopt the
>Machiavellian line, there's no point crying over that one either.
Here I agree with you. That al-Qaeda bombed us means we'll have to
squash them, pure and simple.
>>Diplomacy? A code word for "...we're (French and Russians) just as
>>dirty in our dealings with Iraq but don't have the guts to admit that
>>do business with tyrants." Spare me.
>No doubt. But their populations are also very opposed to the war.
>Maybe just maybe, they might have been listening to their constituents.
Anything for votes. In France's case, I don't buy it, although I
believe the French people are earnest for being anti-war. The Germans
have become pacifists for the most part, and I see their point. Russia
just wants its bills paid, and at US$8 billion owed by Iraq, I can't say
I blame them. They could use it.
>>And as for the world being against him, I don't think you've asked
>>anyone in Eastern Europe about this. The only ones who cry are the
>>who have conveniently forgotten how crappy it is to live under a
>>And don't even bother saying GWB is anything close to one. A hick and
>>boob on occasion, maybe, but nothing even close to tyrant.
>There are a lot of other tyrants besides Saddam Hussein. The Saudi
>regime is pretty awful. Sharon is terrible, though certainly
> The junta in Myanmar. It's funny but these people are never on the
I couldn't agree with you more. I think we've actually clicked on
something here. Progress is a good thing.
>>It must be sad to know you're being marginalized.
>When the center starts to become aligned with fascism, it's a blessing,
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will
eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such
time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic
and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally
important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for
the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the
truth is the greatest enemy of the State." -- Joseph Goebbels, German
Minister of Propaganda, 1933-1945
Read about who he was blaming for using this technique. The answer is
less Machiavellian than you think.
I'll be damned, I'm actually having a bit of fun jawing with you,