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Re: [microsound] go to roosia boy

Look, Eastern Europe is not monolithic or fooled: they are broke. Polls
show for example in Poland how unpopular this adventure is. Stop being so
holy bro - we had our finest assassinated here more than once. We torture
people elsewhere but condemn Saddam for torture.

You say:

> occasional creepy habits when it comes to
> oil.

so cute to say it this way - it almost sounds like...you...don't mean
anything! or are minimizing what you don't understand

> Once a revolutionary government, always a revolutionary
> government).

old hand at government study I see

> Money people aside (they tend to hang out in their own
> circles, kinda like scenesters who spend too much time in one genre of
> music),

Wouldn't know on this latter: been a musician for 35 years and played every
kind of music I could learn.

"Money people aside"

yeah  that's real deep

> French and Russians) just as
> dirty

One: wrong - but you dig that Butch Cassidy crotch kick anyway
Two: it still ain't justification unless you want to argue that being
"dirty" would be good if there was more of it

>  I don't think you've asked
> anyone in Eastern Europe


> A hick and a
> boob on occasion,


> Why were the pipelines cut, smart ass?

read about it

> Do you really think I care about
> why?


> Seeing as we pay the bills for all these UN

we are not paid up: we make money off the deal: we only have to pay one
third - easy for us, and we don't.

> and World Court

wrong (doing great son)
we didn't recognize the ICC

> don't
> count on old Georgie Boy to be getting charged with anything.

don't you count on it

> Get out
> of the ivory tower

get out of America

Take the gun - go to Roosia boy. You got family serving in the military
over in Iraq? I do.   Bush has lied repeatedly (and not about bjs). He'll
go down and that is really what this is all about.  Last hurrah for the
cowboy mentality. Try to undo what poppa and donny did in the 80s.

By the way, A good place to start to read would be "War Is A Racket" by US
General Smedley Butler

If you think "leftism" is the problem, what about militant Islam, Osama,
Saddam, N. Korea, China, your own fancy knickers - well there really is no
end is there? France, Germany, Panama, all of Latin America, Australia,
Malaysia, where else?? Who is "OK" with you?

They are the problem I guess you think?  Take 'em out! Here's how you do

1. start a civil war with some targeted assassinations and economic
pressure or pick a conflict that is there already and poison it further.
Divide and conquer.

2. sell both sides weapons and make bucks (sell drugs too why not)

3. use your technology to help one side gas the other to effecct better

4. sell intel to both sides so there can be even more death

5. after a million die on both sides, bomb the one that used the gas you
helped design and which you helped supply

6. claim that all such WMD must be eliminated even though you yourself use
them and always have, and though you supplied them to others in the region

7. viola! killing time! Setting up a bad regime always works twice - first
you get oil or a canal or whatever. Then, if it gets too unsavory or it
backfire - kill and use the thug you set up to justify ivasion.
