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photo-menu on www.earational.org

Hi All,

Some time ago I wrote on this list that the Dutch EARATIONAL festival for 
electronic music and audioart will be taking place from march 28th - april 
6th in the town of 's-Hertogenbosch and that we therefor had updated the 

But there was one thing I forgot to mention which was the fact that the 
section of the website that contains the "archive" of the festival (1998 - 
2002) was updated as well. It even expanded !
Before the update there were about 10 photos available from the festivals 
of the period 1998 - 2001.
After this update we now provide almost 50 photos and the festival year 
2002 has been included as well.

Just go to the website, click on the lower "logo" on the Index page to 
access the "archive" section, from there go to PAST FESTIVALS, and then 
click on PHOTOS.

Some subscribers might see themselves back during their performance / 
concert :)

Please enjoy.

www.earational.org  (Macromedia's Flash plugin required, MSIE and soundcard 
highly recommended)

Kind regards, Anton Viergever 
