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Re: [microsound] Re: how to cope?
I don't know how to cope either. I can't get rid of the feeling there
are more wars to come with more and more nations involved and there
won't be much left afterwards, not even the "freedom statue" (as it
should be called properly now, since the "Statue of Liberty" was a
French present to New York, the original is still in France, the country
in which "liberty, equality and brotherhood" was 'invented', during the
French Revolution, no American trademark on "freedom".... No chance to
get the copyright on that). I try to do without becoming cynical, but
cynicism -- at least in my case -- is a poor mask for the feeling of
despair behind it. The "big boys" are going to fight and it will be too
late when they realize it's not a computer game.
halit fatih kizilgok wrote:
> Does anybody know any solid readings on how to survive psychologically with
> these thoughts of where the world is going? I really am not content with the
> current "3rd world war is closing" or "there is no light at the end of the
> tunnel" preaching. they might be right etc... but as humans we need to
> survive don't we? without being ignorant of what is going on around the
> world that is.
> fatih.
> p.s: Mr. Cascone was on time with his stepping up. This one and the previous
> one about the politics on this list were very good points indeed. How can
> somebody argue about colors and politics without offending personnally: that
> is what we need to learn. But, is saying "WAR IS OK" a political stance? or
> these political opinions or illnesses that need to be cured? I need
> guidance.
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