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Re: [microsound] war
you make some very good points there. in fact I agree with you fully. =20=
I even think this war-on-Iraq is getting way to much attention since=20
its really just 'business as usual' for the middle-east region.
yes, there seem to be bad vibes everywhere these days.
there are some who see war, nationalism etc as a result of a change in=20=
social mood rather than the other way round. I have seen some serious=20=
discussion on this - based on the theories of R.N. Elliott who applied=20=
mass-psychology and social mood to interpret and predict the=20
R.N. Elliott found certain wave-patterns that repeated itself=20
over-and-over (in contrast with analysts/economics who claim the=20
stockmarket follow a "random-walk" which is competely objective and=20
These theories has since been applied to many other areas. And here=20
they tend to loose me. Like popular culture, politics, general social=20=
mood etc. It has been found that historically war tends to break out=20
within certain patterns etc. The data as presented match very nicely=20
but I am not so sure anyway ...
R.N. Elliott (who died 1946) did a quite nice prediction in to 40s with=20=
a five-way up starting in 1764 and ending in 2012. But the wave-theory=20=
dont predict "when" (just "what") and it seems most Elliott-experts=20
think we already passed this peak in 1998-1999. And that we have now=20
started the A-B-C down that will last about 50 years. The wave-theory=20=
is recursive (like mandelbrot). Each wave contains a complete=20
wave-sequence etc.
All this is probably just crazy-talk but applied in a smaller scale on=20=
the stockmarket it tends to work very nicely thank you ;=3D))) And its=20=
fun to use as a basis for compositions.
l=F6rdagen den 22 mars 2003 kl 09.53 skrev Dominic Lanzone:
>> we are probably seeing a new divide here with the usa and its extreme
>> commercially controlled culture on one side and the rest of the world
>> on the other. I haven't seen so much anti-us activities since the =
>> in fact this aspect of this mess is quite promising ... releasing
>> mass-culture from the lock-in on low-cost productions imported from=20=
>> the
>> us would open up some interesting possibilities. it is coming within
>> reach now.
> what makes you think there is only one culture in the U.S.?
> i agree with what i think you're saying about the hold big business=20
> has on
> cultural production, but, although you could make a case that business
> culture is American culture, it doesn't work the other way round.=20
> American
> culture is not solely business culture. we are loosing our cultural
> identities here, too, by the same means that you are and for the same=20=
> ends,
> AND being grossly misrepresented on the world stage by a supposedly
> representative government.
> please think mindfully before using terms like 'The U.S.' or 'The=20
> Iraqis'
> (or 'The French'!) unless you are talking about ALL the actual people=20=
> of
> those countries rather than their governments or their businesses. =
> line there is not by any means a clean one, but i'm just tired of=20
> people
> misrepresenting other people that they know little about so =
> doing that does not foster dialog, understanding or empathy. it's =
> more nationalistic rhetoric on the heap.
> not every American is a middle aged heterosexual protestant=20
> anglo-white man
> with a bad comb over and a business suit, although the news seems to=20=
> want
> the world to think so.
> ahh, rant rant rant rant..............
> please take what i'm saying with some humor and a grain of salt, it's=20=
> very
> late, and the heady bad vibes that have taken over the atmosphere=20
> lately is
> really getting to me.
> dominic
> have any of you heard of S
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