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[Fwd: Dear Mr. President]
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>From my friend willow. OT but very important, I think.
Hey all,
Over the last few days we've seen all kinds of anti-war stuff going
on--protests, rallies, candlelit vigils. All very well and good, but of
questionable efficacy. It is difficult to know, in circumstances like
these, how to make one's voice heard, and what to say. I maintain that
one of the most effective methods of communication is still the written
At this point, we can't stop the war. No march or rally or vigil on
earth could. But we can a) Let our government know it still has a
responsibility to provide its citizens with information and respond to
its citizens' concerns, and b) Let the rest of the world know that the
people of America--or at least the educated ones--are not anti-Muslim
fanatics out on an imperialist crusade. The impact of 'Operation Iraqi
Freedom' doesn't have to be all bad. In the spirit of anger and
optimism, let me offer two suggestions:
1. Write the President and let him know he still has a job to do. How,
you ask? Well, one might start here: a few days ago, an American
citizen named Rachel Corrie, age 23, was killed when an Israeli
bulldozer crushed her as she stood at the outskirts of a Palestinian
area undergoing occupation. She was not throwing rocks, or pipe bombs,
or anything else; she was simply making a statement with her very
presence. She received no Israeli medical care while she was dying--a
Palestinian Red Crescent hospital attempted to save her life, but was
too late. She was mourned by Palestinians as a martyr. For more info,
go here: http://www.miftah.org/Display.cfm?DocId=1866&CategoryId=23 I
have to warn you, the pictures are a little gruesome. If you want
further info, do a google search for "Rachel Corrie."
Folks, an American citizen has been murdered by Israel, and news of the
event is being repressed in the US. Yet, in Arab newspapers everywhere,
Corrie is being hailed as a "dove of peace." In the midst of brutality,
an offering of a little hope. Let the President know you're listening.
Send the following to: president@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or, even better, send a
paper letter to the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President,
Who is Rachel Corrie?
your name
your address
If I were the President, and I got a hundred or so of these letters
every week, I would certainly be worried. Spread the word.
2. Talk to the other side. Take this on faith: the voice of the
individual is a lot more powerful in the Muslim world than we give it
credit for. Leave a message of peace in the guestbook at
www.islamonline.net This site has better coverage of the anti-war
movement *in the US* than many US websites I've seen, and gets hits from
all over the world. I've gotten very positive responses from them.
(Note for the non-guestbook saavy: you don't have to leave your *real*
email address in this or any guestbook. Just make one up if you feel
uncomfortable leaving your own.) These people need to know that we're
not all out to get them.
Just a couple of thoughts. Please pass this email on to whoever you
think would benefit from it.
Keep fighting the good fight,
www.noiseusse.org /got bent?