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Re: [microsound] Re: new project?
> > > how about a 420 project? "microdub" :).
Maybe it could be cool if eveyone each created samples they considered
microdub, then we could all share those sounds for a new MS. project, I
think that would be a very nice change of mental state.
> > For examples of microdub check out Pole. Kit klayton also has some
>tracks that could fit into that category. good stuff...
You might also listen to Vladislav Delays cd on sigma "Ele". The gishlain
Porier cd on 12k also ventures into this area, but with a bit more influence
from chain reaction, speaking of which maybe I am streaching it here but one
might also listen to Porter Ricks on chain reaction. but overall I think the
Pole yellow release really goes deep into microdub, highly recommeded. Also
the System album on scape is truly wonderful, you can find a ton of free
mp3's by the system guys at www.systemf3.com
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