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Re: [microsound] [Fwd: Dear Mr. President]

which goes to show you that no matter how much of a badass you think you
are, tanks and bulldozers will fuck you up.

if you're smart, you might get the hell out of their way and live to fight
another day.


----- Original Message -----
From: <play@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 3:50 PM
Subject: [microsound] [Fwd: Dear Mr. President]

> >From my friend willow.  OT but very important, I think.
> Hey all,
> Over the last few days we've seen all kinds of anti-war stuff going
> on--protests, rallies, candlelit vigils.  All very well and good, but of
> questionable efficacy.  It is difficult to know, in circumstances like
> these, how to make one's voice heard, and what to say.  I maintain that
> one of the most effective methods of communication is still the written
> word.
> At this point, we can't stop the war.  No march or rally or vigil on
> earth could.  But we can a) Let our government know it still has a
> responsibility to provide its citizens with information and respond to
> its citizens' concerns, and b) Let the rest of the world know that the
> people of America--or at least the educated ones--are not anti-Muslim
> fanatics out on an imperialist crusade.  The impact of 'Operation Iraqi
> Freedom' doesn't have to be all bad.  In the spirit of anger and
> optimism, let me offer two suggestions:
> 1.  Write the President and let him know he still has a job to do.  How,
> you ask?  Well, one might start here: a few days ago, an American
> citizen named Rachel Corrie, age 23, was killed when an Israeli
> bulldozer crushed her as she stood at the outskirts of a Palestinian
> area undergoing occupation.  She was not throwing rocks, or pipe bombs,
> or anything else; she was simply making a statement with her very
> presence.  She received no Israeli medical care while she was dying--a
> Palestinian Red Crescent hospital attempted to save her life, but was
> too late.  She was mourned by Palestinians as a martyr.  For more info,
> go here: http://www.miftah.org/Display.cfm?DocId=1866&CategoryId=23 I
> have to warn you, the pictures are a little gruesome.  If you want
> further info, do a google search for "Rachel Corrie."
> Folks, an American citizen has been murdered by Israel, and news of the
> event is being repressed in the US.  Yet, in Arab newspapers everywhere,
> Corrie is being hailed as a "dove of peace."  In the midst of brutality,
> an offering of a little hope.  Let the President know you're listening.
> Send the following to: president@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or, even better, send a
> paper letter to the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
> Washington, DC 20500
> Dear Mr. President,
> Who is Rachel Corrie?
> Sincerely,
> your name
> your address
> If I were the President, and I got a hundred or so of these letters
> every week, I would certainly be worried.  Spread the word.
> 2. Talk to the other side.  Take this on faith: the voice of the
> individual is a lot more powerful in the Muslim world than we give it
> credit for.  Leave a message of peace in the guestbook at
> www.islamonline.net  This site has better coverage of the anti-war
> movement *in the US* than many US websites I've seen, and gets hits from
> all over the world.  I've gotten very positive responses from them.
> (Note for the non-guestbook saavy: you don't have to leave your *real*
> email address in this or any guestbook.  Just make one up if you feel
> uncomfortable leaving your own.)  These people need to know that we're
> not all out to get them.
> Just a couple of thoughts.  Please pass this email on to whoever you
> think would benefit from it.
> Keep fighting the good fight,
> wi//ow
> ------------------------------------------------
> www.noiseusse.org /got bent?
> ------------------------------------------------


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