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RE: [microsound] war

Apparently, this protest was a "vomit fest" according to an amusing news
report I heard on the radio.  If this is not true, they shouldn't be
making light of it.  But if it is true, the boobs responsible should
have been hauled away.  That's a very stupid way to protest, and it will
definitely turn a lot of people off to their cause. =20

Anybody know what's really happening in SF?

Rudy Carrera
Fal=E7ata-Galia Recordings
Tariff Records
PO Box 134
Rialto, California 92377 USA

-----Original Message-----
From: dbuchwald [mailto:dagmar.buchwald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 1:08 PM
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] war

spw wrote:
> The problem with Sadam H. is he can not be trusted and he is a
> leader.
> Why do you want diplomacy with Iraq when you can not trust the
> Because country's like France, Germany, and Russia who oppose the war
> huge "deals"
> with Iraq so there is much financial interest in objecting this war.

True.  The same is true for American interests in this war.

> I'm talking about Islamic Fundamentalist, people behind terrorist
> such as 9/11 which
> targets the American civilian population, not  Islam.

Are you really sure it was Islamic fundamentalists who planned the
attack on the WTC?

> I support United States as a super power, I much rather see US
dominance of
> the world and
> eventually a New World Order promoting a more modern technological
system of
> living
> where people do have the freedom of expression something some of you
> members do not
> understand or take for granted.

Freedom of expression? Look what happens to anti-war protesters in the
U.S. at the moment.

"In San Francisco, police arrested over 1,000 protesters."



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