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Re: [microsound] war

That was an action taken by 7 people out of crowds of thousands that=20
have been protesting peacefully and continuously for the last two days.
People are sitting down at intersections, shutting down shopping=20
centers and the Bay Bridge, blocking the entrances to Bechtel, E*Trade,=20=

Citibank and USA Today.
The police are reacting violently and encircling crowds, making mass=20

go to


or listen to a live internet radio broadcast


On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 02:42 PM, Falcata-Galia and Tariff=20
Records wrote:

> Apparently, this protest was a "vomit fest" according to an amusing=20
> news
> report I heard on the radio.  If this is not true, they shouldn't be
> making light of it.  But if it is true, the boobs responsible should
> have been hauled away.  That's a very stupid way to protest, and it=20
> will
> definitely turn a lot of people off to their cause.
> Anybody know what's really happening in SF?
> Regards,
> Rudy Carrera
> Fal=E7ata-Galia Recordings
> Tariff Records
> PO Box 134
> Rialto, California 92377 USA
> http://www.falcata-galia.com
> http://www.tariffrecords.com
> http://members.tripod.com/musicsource7/index.htm
