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RE: [microsound] Sound/Silence/War
> ( 03.03.21 17:55 -0600 ) Christopher Sorg:
> > I'm extremely surprised at how little inside coverage there is of the
> > war.
> well, wake up and smell the propaganda. like you mention, when you see
> the bodies, the limbs, the fear on faces; it's not so much like a video
> game after all.
Well, that's what I was calling out. The "video game" war presentation is
not credible. It's disturbing to see information so *blatantly*
manipulated. I like my information subtly manipulated...hasn't the U.S.
government read any Machiavellian?!? You're not supposed to see the
puppet's strings. So, not only is the leadership foolish and warmongering,
they're also pathetically ham-handed.
Perhaps that's another sign of the difference in information gathering this
time around in Iraq. We can "tune in" to web cameras and blogs, and
constant media immersement has made (at least) me more acutely aware of the
distinct *lack* of multimedia in the representation of this war. Not only
"where is the sound", but where are the people, the faces and the names.
Well, they are there and we *can* hear them and talk to them.
> and if we can't have inside coverage, how about coverage from other
> outsides?
The blog that was posted was a definite dose of reality.
How about the Iraq web camera: http://www.msnbc.com/m/lv/default.asp
How telling that the only Iraq web camera is on MSNBC...
> i can only deal with it by having a self imposed media blackout.
Remarkable that searches on Google don't turn up much. I don' think you
have to "self impose(d) media blackout", considering the media and the U.S.
Government are editing it so well for you. I've tried to do the same, but
also feel it's my responsibility to at least recognize the blatant and
pathetic manipulation the so-called liberal, unbiased media is presenting.
These corporations are *clearly* in bed with the government. I guess they
can't wait to pick over the corpses in Iraq. I wonder how many of these
news organizations are backed by corporations that have an interest in
investing in "new" Iraq?
Christopher Sorg
Multimedia Artist/Instructor
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
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