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RE: [microsound] [Fwd: Dear Mr. President]
> Rachel's death was horrible, but pics of her burning the US flag isn't
> going to endear her to the readership in America (well, to the
> pro-America readership, anyway).
Texas vs. Johnson. Probably the most influential flag burning case. I
won't give the details because they can be found rather easily but I will
say that though one might not agree with a flag burning it is the very
fact that one can burn the flag and not be breakig the law that is(should)
be american.
Whatever happened to the first amendement? I'm not as naive as I might
sound but perhaps a bit idealistic. I find it better for my soul than
cynicism. Anyway, the first amendment gives the ***unconditional*** right
to freedom of speech. Is this one of the things america could be or maybe
could have been?
You are right, though. Flag burnings don't make patriots. That fact sort
of saddens me as it is the voice of dissent that makes a healthy nation.
And I really doubt that we would be inn this situation if peope, all the
people in the US had the courage to actually listen to and consider what
the "flag-burners" are saying. Open dialogue instead of writing people
off as un-american. Once again I am being outrageously idealistic (not to
mention, off topic).
All of this political dialogue has been stunning really. Very intelligent
and respectful, for the most part. It doesn't surprise me that none of us
are politicians. If only artists could run the world (or do we?)