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Re: [microsound] US use of bio-chemical weapons
hi Ian,
do you have any credible sources to back up your claims below?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Gallimore" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 7:18 AM
Subject: [microsound] US use of bio-chemical weapons
> For those who a blissfully unaware of US use of chemical and biological
> agents, both abroad and at home, here's a summary.
> Bahamas - late 1040-mid 1950s
> Joint US-Canadian-UK operation sprayed bacteria on the islands killing
> thousands of animals. Human casualties unknown. Details of tests still
> classified.
> Canada - 1953
> Zinc cadmium sulfide disseminated through Winnipeg.
> China & Korea - 1952
> Bacteria, insects, feathers, decaying animal and fish parts dropped over
> Korea and north east China.
> Vietnam - early 1960-early 1970s
> Agent Orange. CS, DM and CN gases.
> Laos - September 1970
> Sarin nerve gas.
> Panama - 1940-1990s
> Used as testing ground for mustard gas, VX, sarin, hydrogen cyanide, Agent
> Orange.
> Cuba - 1962
> Contaminated Cuban sugar exports destined for the Soviet Union. Infected
> Turkeys with fatal Newcatle disease.
> Cuba - 1971
> African swine fever.
> Cuba - 1996
> Thrips palmi crop-eating insect sprayed by US State Dept. crop-duster.
> Watertown, NY - 1950
> Cereal rust spores dropped on oat crops as part of biological weapons
> testing.
> San Francisco Bay area - Sept 20-27, 1950
> Bacillus globigii and Serratia marcescens and other biological warfare
> agents sprayed as part of tests to ascertain effectiveness in attacking
> seaport city with BW aerosol.
> Minneapolis - 1953
> 61 releases of zinc cadmium sulfide released in four sections of the cit.
> St Louis - 1953
> 35 releases of zinc cadmium sulfide over residential, commercial and
> downtown areas.
> Washington DC area - 1953
> Zinc cadmium sulfate combined with lycopodium spores sprayed over wide
> Washington DC area - 1969
> 115 open air tests of zinc cadmium sulfate near Cambridge, Maryland.
> Washington DC - early 1960s
> Bacillus subtilis dissemniated through Washington National Airport.
> Florida - 1955
> Open-air testing of whooping-cough bacteria around Tampa Bay area.
> Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida - 1956-1958
> Aedes aegypti mosquitoes released as part of biological weapins tests.
> NY City - Jun 6-10, 1966
> Trillions of Bacillus subtilis variant niger released into subway system
> durinbg rush hour to test vulnerability of subway passengers to covert
> attack with biological agents.
> Chicago - 1960s
> Similar experiment to NYC.
> The US also has massive stockpiles of chemical agents at numerous airbases
> here in the UK (which are outside UK governmental control), which are
> permitted under international law as they are for use within the US on its
> own citizens. Of course, I'm sure we have similar stockpiles.
> Of course, the whole WMD distinction is rather stupid if you think that
> US military isn't a weapon of mass destruction in it's own right, with or
> without nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. 3000 cruise missiles
> Hiroshima pale in comparison.
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