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my hope is that we not only sort out horrendous people like saddam and
familiy but the jewish war criminals , the palestinian bombers , the arms
dealers and those who profit from all this?acts of torture are one thing ,
profitting from weapons in the name of self defence?the problem we have here
is the us say one thing is evil but not another which is just as evil (if
you believe in such a concept).I dont support aggression , my belief and
faith is in karma and the laws of cause and effect.Force will be met with
force and aggression will be met with aggression , this war will divide the
world more , the us and uk will not sort out the jews and palestine as it
loses the us precious votes and money.Nothing short of a total ban on arms
sales and a de-armament of the world will sort things out and that wont
happen until you sort out human greed or the want to earn a living or
fortune from such bad things as weapons....stop looking at 9/11 , the middle
east , war and all this and look at who profits from it all?strange that its
the so called righteous us and uk and jews and main arms dealers of the
world........do the US do nothing wrong ?i know many loveley us people but
i'll warn you of one thing .most uk people are totally fed up opf
everythingf rom the mass us media to the whole mentality that a small
percentage export.....the Us is an infant race....there like small child.The
jews are like paranoid  'i'm so persecuted' person who cant realise they
have karma to pay for past actions.....the palestinians are fools for
playing into the hands of this ,  ....and ..i celebrate the end of saddam
hussein and others by any means but i celebrate more when we have rid the
world of people who profit from all this like the governments like us and
uk, the whole fucking messed up crowd....to be frank there all as bad as
each other..........acts of physical torture are vile , the people involved
in all parties will pay the price , the heart is weighed.....but i dont
think the hearts of many western people are much lighter.........we would
all do well to see the real problem in this world........ignorance and
greed............the us are greedy as a nation as are many and fear and
insecurity breeds fear , the jews are paranoid and end up  creating all this
karma for themselves , so do the palestinians , we need to stop pointing the
finger...were  all to blame......its the old order...a few old men who will
soon be gone ......once the west have 'sorted out ' the east , i hope they
sort out themselves...........or are we destined to a future of macdonalds
and coco cola , glamour and the motherland mentality.....i hope not , but it
is the lesser of the 2 evils.?..i would not fancy a world of husseins , but
that doesnt mean  i fancy a world of bushes either......i fancy a world of
peacefull , fearless people who share....i wont see this until human nature
realises what lifes about and stops feeling the need to earn earn earn and
accumulate in order to make life seem worth living or to fill in the gap
thats left from not knowing why were here.........world leaders........there
all the same manipulative , greedy and capable of very bad things and
motivated by persoanlity disorders , fear of being insignificant and by the
want to dominate .I actually think all this is down to a very small number
people.I would start with the arms dealers  / oil traders .They refuse to
let the world move into a new form of order and with sustainable energy as
they cant profit from it...bush and blair-liar  are part of this and thats
what this is all about.Its all cause and effect....about profit , greed and
fear of what happens when the oil gets low..........about perpetuating fear
in people , about controlling people and winning the war for public support
by mass brainwashing....if you think teh hussiens are bad then your ought to
take a look at whos running the show are end....there not torturers , way
more clever.....you havent seen anything yet.............if this war was all
justified there will be no more 'bad luck 'for the us and
west............we'll see but as i said , the law of cause and effect is
infallible , its scientific...where does all that ' force ' or that energy
directed by the east via bombs go? into the earth and if you not carefull
straight back out and up the san andraous fault or whatever you call
it....the Us super power is nothing in relation to the forces of the
universe......they forget there are forces who will react to there forcefull
actions.....the laws and forces of nature......small minded arnt we all ?
just a  small spec of dust.....in a much vaster sea...........the funniest
thing is this worlds run by total idiots, quite literally ! the wise dont
act in this way.They have their purpose , evolution will spit them out when
the times right .Thats whats happening with the husseins etc , next up are
the bushes and arms dealers..........its all a  question of time............
