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Re: war

I'm cool because .......................supporting peace and against george
bush ? is this not


thats an abbreviation  for  'political ruling class'

> > >

On the subject of terror............this war will cause more terror via more
anti us hatred? how can it not ?

Who's  ' won ' or negotiated all the business to build and profit from the
destruction?here in uk companies like p/o are complaining that all the
work has been 'won ' by us companies :) thats a  surprise ! the jews will
profit nicely from the arms deals....the turks will get some land
back.....from 1939 or something ! the iraq's will be made to feel like
secondclass idiots , the saudi's will continue to look on / all with smile
....the west or us / uk are causing serious shite for themselves.....i'm glad
to see the end of horrendous people like hussiens , but thats marks the
beginning of USa's problems.....what did the world trade centre stand
for?why are so many countries still saying there being dominated by us
policy on trade?what confuses me is why the US cant see what its brought on
itself ? Why does george bush call the us the mother land?i dont understand
?the usa is infant , the natives were the wisdom in that land and look how
they were shagged......... maybe a high percentage or 'genuine' amercian
patriots are genuinly stupid ?your know , idiots who cant see past there
nose , un-evolved  , un-intelligent and genuine stupid? people do have
various states of understanding and evolved states of mind dont they ?maybe
whilst a  huge super power the US is little more than the equivelant of a
dum , 30 stone moron who live off dead cow and coca cola?beef steak and
still thinks a nigger is  a nigger and that the world is actually made up of
the US and  'little brother uk' (who is little more than a stategic airbase
!)  and that all other cultures are alien civilsations , or to be afraid
of...........with the greatest respect i have many many us freinds , there
all intelligent people but they seem to be in the minority !and i see them
more as citizens of earth as opposed to big fat obeese yankies !(and you can
be skinny in body and still a fat head!)

its  all US US US....us ? oursselves..........above and beyond all other
nations.............its clear to see the US or a majority and afraid of
something ?
