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Philosophical questions related to arts and music?
Those of you that are familiar with the IB-program (the high-school program
I'm currently attending) probably know that there is this Extended Essay
every candidate must write. The essay should be approximately 4000 words in
lenght and contain some amount of research of different sources (articles,
books etc.). I chose philosophy as the subject on which I'm writing my essay
since I have found philosophical issues relating to arts and especially
music quite interestin lately.
I have, however, had some difficulties in deciding the exact topic for my
essay, which is why I ask for assistance from this list. So: what
philosophical questions related to arts and especially music have you found
interesting? What major questions conserning the philosophy of arts are
there really and who are the most important philosophers on the field? Even
quite unprocessed, brainstorm-like answers would be useful, since it might
inspire/give ideas which I'm after.
A good topic would be one that has a considerable amount of articles, books
etc. written about it, to use as source data; though I suppose that almost
any issue that is of reasonable philosophical interest, or is a "major
philosophical question" has at least some amount of texts written on it...
thanks a lot,
|visa k.