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i can help with a couple questions...
That blog you referenced is a good one!
"Remarkable that searches on Google don't turn up much. I don't
think you have to "self impose(d) media blackout"....
What are you looking for, as i have a load of links?
"These corporations are *clearly* in bed with the government. I
guess they can't wait to pick over the corpses in Iraq. I wonder how many of
these news organizations are backed by corporations that have an interest in
investing in "new" Iraq?"
Oh yes they are my friend. for instance...
(check below)
Do you have a link or proof of this? Though it is somewhat
understandable, in any case, as a "reporter" could be just
a "spy". If it were up to me, i wouldnt let them have
video cameras, but that is just me. And honestly if i were saddam,
even without a strong military he has made some serious military
blunders. Like, not blowing bridges on both sides of the huge rivers
leading to baghdad on both sides, east and west. But if you ask me,
if the us troopers were truly honorable, they wouldnt blow everything
up and then clean up the mess. They would fight hand to hand (gun to
gun, whatever), and fight like real men.
"One should know that journalists in bagdad now has an ever
personal iraqii military 'companion' that cencors what they can
Sympathetic? In my opinion the soldier who did it should be tried
and executed.
But being that we just gave them a grant (more military bribes) for
8+ billion, i guess she doesnt matter in the whole scheme of things.
This event with her hits home, as her family lives in charlotte nc
usa, where i live currently.
"It seems from the news coverage that people are sympathetic to
her death
regardless of political stripe, at least that's how I've seen it get
Funny, I was watching pbs at that time and didnt see this??? And you
do know that the cia/fbi and us intelligence officials have proved
this claim to be wrong? Do you believe the state sponsored, ratings
craving news agencies or our own govt who is hard pressed to condemn
saddam on something to justify an illegal and immoral war?
Former members? You dont mean all those former POW's and
"victims", etc i have seen over and over again on news
specials, only to find out that EVERY ONE OF THEM havent lived in
iraq since the 1980's! You do realize that the us, russia, france
and the uk were the primary sources of weapon funded destruction by
iraq in the 1980's, right?
I challenge you to prove this accusation.
"There was a great documentary on PBS yesterday linking Sadam H
and Iraq with
many of the Islamic Fundamentalist organizations including the Osama
On the subject of nuclear weapons former members of the regime
testified of
Sadam's plans to develop such weapons of mass destruction."
Once again, prove it.
"After the Gulf War UN inspectors were expelled from Iraq and
were dictated
where they could and could not look when trying to conduct
This is one of the most ridiculous and insane comments i have heard
ever. And yes i live in the usa. So your justifying an illegal war,
bc of natural life? JESUS CHRIST. And judging from your manner, you
are lost in the sea of sheep like most are.
"You can open the history books and point out diplomatic
blunders with every
government and if you really want to put things in perspective with
out being some
obnoxious peace protestingpollitaically correct fruit cake you would
see that war is natural part of human nature and life isn't
Neither, but honestly i trust saddam more than gw bush and his
"But lets take your mentality, who should we trust the American
who are not exactly saints by a long shot or Sadam Hussein?"
Cambodia? Japan? Vietnam?
And you have heard of the various and numerous rapes in the us
military recently right?
The incubator statement is a outright lie and was proven false, How
diluted are you????!!! You do realize the truth is lost in war first
right? You do realize that lies were told the us public for the
entrance into WW1, the war of 1812, , mexican-american war, the civil
war, vietnam war, korean war, gulf war (by your exact bold faced
event that was found FALSE).
"Let's see, the US does not use chemical warfare on people
during times of
war and definitely not on it's own people. We do not torture people
by cutting of their limbs and dropping them in barrels of acid, nor
do we brutally rape women (one of S's sons favorite hobbies) and take
babies of incubators when invading another country."
What do you think the INS is doing now with koreans, iraqi's, and
anyone of arab decent.
And let us not forget guatanamo bay, or the fact that not one person
has been charged with a crime? And do you know personally what
america is doing in iraq? You do know about the prisoners in
afghanistan under us custody that were tortured to death right???
"Where are the concentration camps?
Why isn't America brutally torturing and killing Iraqi soldier who
lay down
their arms?"
You dont mean the kurds, whom rose up against saddam under the fact,
that the us told them they would help them if they did. After the
gulf war, the usa said "SEE YA", thus sponsoring the
slaughter, pretty much. On top of that, where did Iraq gets this
nerve gas? You guessed it. Need i remind you that the us and the
world has killed over 500,000 people in iraq because of sanctions
since 1991?
"Sadam Hussien kills 6000 people with nerve gas and you want
diplomacy when
there is a chance to take him out of power?"
Now i know your an uninformed part of the machine, that is often
called the sheep herd.
"So yes I support American interest instead of being some
hypocrite who finds
it easier to criticize the US and protest war, what have all these
peace protester done
to really help people, I'm willing to bet not much.It's fashion
statement, a recreational activity, the same people ignore bums on
the side of the road."
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