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Re: [microsound] project invite: 'City of the Future'
on 3/25/03 1:58 PM, Matthew Allen at matthew@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> There appears to be a fair amount of distortion in the original aiff.
> Looking at the file in an editor, it doesn't look like it was done on
> conversion, but in the original sound (the 'clipped peaks aren't flat but
> have some shape to them). I haven't seen the movie in years so I don't
> remember if that's how it was on film.
OK...but what does it sound like...wave form analysis is a great tool
but in the end it's how it sounds.
Was the DVD remastered...if so from what format...an optical film track
or orginal mag.track stems?
And also think of how the file is being used...are you attempting to do
a pristine re-representation of the original file? or are you going to
run it thru a bunch of software that's gonna add more of those funny
looking things to your waveform? So does it really matter that the
file is a little 'distorted'?
Kerry Uchida
Vancouver, Canada