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Re: Re: [microsound] Re: OT[microsound ] war

this extremely convincing argument is called Social Darwinism.

It was big with Hitler.

On Wed, 26 Mar 2003, [iso-8859-1] catsed@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> >War is a natural part of human evolution, the two benefits war serves are:
> >
> >#1. population control
> >
> >#2. technological advancements, the atom bomb to end World War II would be a
> >good example.
> >
> >Humans are not the only animal's that fight in war, you can look at other
> >animal species like
> >packs of wolves fighting over territory, sharks, dolphins, and also our
> >closest genetic link the
> >ape.
> >So in a way War is a case of survival of the fittest and natural part of
> >evolution.
> >I don't condone violence unless it's in self defense but I see this as human
> >modernization and
> >globalization and nature taking it's course.
> on 3/26/03 2:24 AM, nicola catalano at catsed@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >>>> Iraqi TV just broke the rules of the Geneva convention, they lined up dead
> >>>> American soldiers
> >>>> and posed all their faces for TV, now that's desperate and savage.
> >>>>
> >
> > while that's absolutely true, on the other hand it's maybe "useful" people
> > worldwide are seeing what war actually means on both sides. death, guts and
> > blood, suffering, fear, lost lifes, destruction and so on. it's not a risiko
> > game, boys, nor a "surgical" war. war (and this one, in particular) is the
> > lowest point in mankind history.
> > peace :: nicola
> you're kidding, of course...
> nicola
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