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Re: [microsound] Re: OT[microsound ] war -- TRYING TO Do Some Homework

On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Mark Khemma wrote:
> stab me with my illiteracy. I know I can't read. Just like everyone else,
> I'm trying to come to grips with this war, trying to attain the 'facts' if
> possible.

This war is just the tip of the iceberg of the US midwestern
(and world) policies and especially people whose votes matter the most
bear responsibility in keeping themselves informed, being open minded,
being critical thinkers. Whatever your point of view/stance might have
been in the past (US has a wonderful system of imposing what it wants to,
on its people - starting from schools, with standardized tests <of which
consequences migh tbe to be labelled an idiot> and all, thus having you
know and think what it wants to) please take this opportunity in being at
least an inquiring mind than an accepting mind.

IMHO, the biggest mistake that  the US did in this war (needless to
mention the war being a mistake by itself) is to underestimate the
fact that we are in the 'age of information'. 

((They probably did estimate -*in their own ways*-; I am sorry I am not
able to give a reference right now but I had read about a Pentagon Plan to
bribe media towards US propaganda sometime before the war had started. But
what's below might be useful in judging whether/not such a plan might have
ever possibly existed:$
http://www.randomhouse.com/features/bamford/bib.html ))

Many thanks to (independent) media available via the internet.

If only Truman had an internet connection...

> Thank you for the added information, I will read them, although I noticed
> that almost all the links are from the same web site, hence a single bias.
> One should be careful about that. Though I do admit that Chomsky is one of
> the most enlightening political thinkers out there.
> Take care,
> Mark .k
