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Re: Jeter

Glad to hear his name mentioned,
as it doesn't happen very often.
I worked with a team adapting "Farewell H" a few years bk,
alot of ideas in that book .

Although some reviews were less than charitable ,
I thought his followups to "Bladerunner"
(2 "The Edge Of Human" & 3 "Replicant Night") worked well,
also "The Glass Hammer" , "Death Arms" (a little thin).
"Dr.Adder" , is really a classic on and about LA .
If you haven't read it , try to get it.
It's a brain burn.

Was lucky to meet KW in LA on a Book Tour a few years bk,
nice , smart guy who even under the glare of LA sun exuded some dark

I agree though , some of the recent books , well they were 'product'.
i didn't make it through "Noir" meself.

Otherwise , fertile city & mindscapes abounding in his books.
Cheers KW   
