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1 yeah of 1st acid fake release

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1 yeah of 1st acid fake release

today is one year after releasing of first release on acid fake =
recordings, noise/glitch compilation acid fake_01 that collects 13 =
experimental tracks from known and unknown artists from around the world
first promotion of this compilation was on radio program post global on =
music radio channel 103 on 27th of march 2002
with that sound acid fake continued in this past year exploring new =
inventive structures of sound so called music
after acdfake001 first compilation acid fake released special edition of =
it that also include video for one of the tracks and different color =
design of cover
second release was also compilation but with different approach and =
different perspective in sound that acid fake will continue to =
experiment with. more glitch, sinewaves and static noise=85
at the beginning of this year on 2nd february 2003 was released third =
release (acdfake003 - l'hotel/jj) that was split between real glitch =
experts massaccesi and every kid on speed. it is first split of the =
upcoming split ep series which will include two 20 minute eps from the =
greatest glitch, sine wave artists. massacesi on this ep is showing his =
dark and calm perspective of glitch. glitchy cut up parts combined with =
talking sample parts while every kid on speed is standard noisy.
before this release acid fake has collaborated with label synthetic =
waste from denmark (sublabel of pale_mother) and released split release =
on acid waste, label that is split between acid fake recordings and =
synthetic waste. this hardly essential release was split between =
monobond (dk) and every kid on speed (mk) where they both presents =
glitchy cut ups made out of natural sources.=20
couple of other artists are signed on acid fake in the meantime that are =
waiting for their release following year. next release on acid fake =
(acdfake004) will be fulllenth album of canadian biggest experimental =
artist andrew duke (bip-hop, phinnmilk, piehead, cognition, =
staalplaat=85) named take nothing for granted and if everything is all =
right will be out in april. other parts of split ep series will follow =
after that. next will be eps between andrew duke/therefore (who is john =
galt?/texasradio) and gintas k/phil thomson (long one/synat). an awesome =
fulllenth from looproad is planed for the end of 2003 and after that an =
monobond album. of course one more perspective in sound of acid fake =
will be presented thru acid fake_03 that is still opened for =
in this past year acid fake as its part has started a webzine called =
fakezine [zine for contemporary music and [sub]culture] that in its =
attempt to move the borders of contemporary music scene, gives a small =
scratch or glitch in the vast desert of plastic or vinyl discs and mind =
categories. fakezine will be released irregularly as separate editions =
with interviews and also review section is opened for music close to =
before mentioned definitions. acid fake has its own design division that =
works design for its own and for needs of other labels. other things =
connected to the label are planed for future but they are still in very =
own beginning and process of realizing so better not start talking=85 =
however you will be first that will be informed about them.

to celebrate this first release birthday acid fake is makeing special =
edition of second compilation acid fake_02 that will contain same =
tracklist plus five more new bonus tracks and different color design of =
the cover. so there will be 80 minutes of glitches. during the hard =
business of acid fake this past period special edition of the =
compilation will late but of course u can reserve your copy at =

as end thanx to all that has supported acid fake in any form by now
acid fake will continue in moving scene and sound barriers =20


