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[microsound] [ann] hinterlandt - release

[shameless self promotion  ahead - you know where the delete button is]

new release out now on c.u.e. records (osaka/japan):
"t(raumdeutung)" cd-r

a collection of five tracks/scenes
total playing time 26:42
"pop electro-accoustics" (as the label put it)

order from http://www.cavestudio.org/cue/

here is a review by Jeremy from Ampersandetc.:

We first heard German/Australian Hinterlandt on a demo in 2002_17, and now
we have his first official release from a cd-r label based in Kobe. It is a
mini-album, only 26 minutes long, structured as a drama.
'Scene 1 ? a bit awkward (first encounter)' takes us from a big guitar
chord, some echoey synth winds and looped tuned percussion, lightly musical,
through crackles with a gong with a simple beat and a bubbling undercurrent
into a fuller forward rhythm loop and wild synth and keyboards that eases
and slides into randomish electronica before returning to the opening tones.
Awkwardness finely tuned. Voice loops - low, high and manipulated' open
'Scene 2 ? the embryo questions the old woman' with a typewriter rhythm
section, shifting into some twangs, bloopy music, twitters and rattling with
rapid taps then again regaining the voices.
More samples used effectively in 'Scene 3 ? our protagonist strolls the
market' where noisy shouting loops get shorter and shorter until they are
choppy music bouncing from side to side that segues into a bloopy melody
that transforms, returns to the sample and is again reworked. A bright
musical piece. A mechanical looping with voices in (one clearly saying
culture) in 'Scene 4 ? fairwell on the rain train' becomes a base for a
mellow horn solo that drives the track before a rumble end. And finally
'Scene 5 ? back home: drifting thoughts on the front veranda' is a more
ambient (drifting) based on chimes, swirling, buzzing, crackles, bird
twitter and noises that weave a varied spell.
A lot is happening across this, and it is very enjoyable and fascinating.
Would have loved to hear more!

more information please visit the hinterlandt fact sheet 
thursday 3rd of march club77 sydney australia .....:::..::......08/04/03 
2ser radioalice one hour radio 

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