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Re: [microsound] microsound and Benjamin
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These may only be marginally useful, but here are two essays which at
least refer to Benjamin in their titles.
Cascone, Kim. (2002). "Laptop Music: Counterfeiting Aura in the Age of
Infinite Reproduction." _Parachute_ 107: 53-58.
Mowitt, John. (1987). "The Sound of Music in the Age of its Electronic
Reproducibility." in Leppert, Richard and Susan McClary, eds., _Music
and Society: The Politics of Composition, Performance and Reception._
Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, pp. 173-197.
The Cascone mobilizes the notion of aura in relation to laptop music,
though it's unclear whether or not he's talking about the same kind of
aura as Benjamin, since, perhaps problematically, he never cites him.
The Mowitt is more pre-digital than post-digital, but is still
interesting to the extent that it combines Freudian psychoanalysis,
Derridean grammatology and Memorex commercials to examine the politcal
economy of music in the age of Attalian repetition.
Speaking of Attali, he might be useful as something like a complement to
Benjamin. You can find his thoughts on how digital music distribution
(not microsound per se) relates to the ground covered in _Noise_ here:
Hope these citations are at least productively useless.
Phil Thomson
Curator of c e n t i b e l
moderator of Yahoo! databenders list
synat (upcoming, acidfake, macedonia)
scan (s'agita recordings, italy)
<-----Original Message----->
From: thomas phillips
Sent: 3/27/2003 1:57:07 PM
To: microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [microsound] micreosound and Benjamin
Hello all -
I am currently gathering research material for a paper on Walter
theory as applied to microsound. This is certainly not a new idea,
though I
am having difficulty locating sources that deal specifically with music.
suggestions would be most appreciated.
Thanks again for any help with B.
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