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Re: [microsound] (OT) mac vs norton??

on 3/28/03 5:30 PM, ben nevile at bbn@xxxxxxxx wrote:

>> i am new with the macs and i am wondering if they have
>> the same issues as pc when it comes to mixing any
>> norton product and audio.
> i think norton just has issues, period.  the best utility for disk
> problems I have used is called "diskwarrior".  it's made by a company
> called alsoft - you can buy it from their web site.  run it on your
> hard drive once a week and all the little foibles that can build up
> into a gigantic mess are whisked away magically.  no need for norton's
> system-takeover tactics.
> ben
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acutually with todays harddrives,especially ata100s (the ones with most macs
for the last 3-4 yrs),there is almost no need to defragment as that can
create even more problems...
Got this info from very credible sources,the fact is is that these newer
drives actually write implementing correct placement of files and bits.And
when utilities are used they can infact disorganize the directories in ways
that disruped the patterns in which these drives operated during writing.
...my advice?
It doesnt hurt to run these utilities,but then again....
best advice for audio is to leave enough empty space (30%) on the drive to
avoid congestion and you should be fine,
I used to use norton almost every week after sessions thinking that it
really helped,but when i stopped using for a month due to losing the cd,i
realized that the computer was running better...maybe just me...
