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autechre remix contest
I received this from another list, and haven't seen it mentioned here yet,
so I thought I'd pass it along.
I'm not a big fan of Autechre, but this might be an opportunity to
infiltrate another "official contest" with some microsound reworkings.
Track: Any Autechre track. Max two tracks per member.
Deadline: April 21st
Submit your remix to phobiazero@xxxxxxxxxxxx (iIf your mailclient
isn't able to attach large files, then send me a message and
we'll work it out). Xltronic will pick the Top 15 tracks
in aspect of quality. Tracks not qualified into the Top
15 will be available for download after the contest has
ended. All contributions MIGHT have a chance to be included
in upcoming releases from Autechre. There are no specific
rules - use your creativity and have fun!
We have two prizes:
People's choice:
The winner from this poll will receive a copy of Legofeet
12". All contributions will be listed WITHOUT the artists
name until the the voting period is over. The creator is
anonymous to avoid cheating.
Autechre's choice:
Autechre will listen to all qualified submissions and pick
their favourite. That alone should be a prize worth dying
for, but a copy of Legofeet 12" will be given to the winner
in this category as well.