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Re: [microsound] Re: [idm] Trip to Beijing, China.

The Wire dub columnist Steve Barker and myself do a
experimental/new music set at a club every sunday
night 9pm-1am in east beijing. 

i also play weekly at other clubs around town and do
live stuff with my ambient group called fm3. 

email offlist (mandopop@xxxxxxxxx) if you need to know
what is happening and when...


--- nethed <nethed@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> yes.
> try and avoid the tourist part of the great wall
> with kentucky flied chicken.
> there are some good clubs in beijing, but you'll
> have to really look for them.
> there are actually english speaking what's on
> if you go into a yuck starbucks you'll find them.
> tianamen square is boring and a waste of time
> unless yr there at 4am to see the thousands doing
> tai chi in time to the sunrise.
> and keep a sharp eye out for a wild growing
> herbal weed in various parts of beijing without
> any notice
> to what it really is...
> nH
> At 6:35 am -0600 26/3/03, Christopher Sorg wrote:
> >I'm traveling to Beijing over the next week.  Just
> wondering if anyone knows
> >of any events or special sight-seeing that I should
> do while I'm there.
> >
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >      Christopher Sorg
> >    Multimedia Artist/Instructor
> >  The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
> >    http://www.csorg.org
> >      csorg@xxxxxxxxx
> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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