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Re: [microsound] re: sound activities with kids?


That sounds like a good approach. My daughter is 3 and a half, and I
remember a while back when she was really into figuring out all the
different surfaces that could be a drum. Bang with her hands on the side of
the stove, then look at us, "This is a drum." All sorts of surfaces,
explored mostly with hands, occasionally with some old chopsticks. Of
course, it turned out that everything was a drum.


> my first thoughts this morning, while walking to the bus stop with
> the kids, was ping pong balls...dropped onto something from a
> distance at irregular intervals (that is what you get with 2 year
> olds) either to bounce on a hard surface (floor or object)...like tin
> pie plates of various sizes.  i could set up a line of these objects
> for the kids to walk along and drop the balls on...a percussive
> pattern.  the thing about kids of this age is that they tend to like
> things they can do that end in instant results that are repeatable...
