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Re: [microsound] cd track hack question

> A track hack: on both the CDs I just finished, I've put extra sound before
> track one.  In order to hear it, you have to scrub-rewind *before* track
> one.

how did you accomplish this ?
after my last post curiosity sent me straight to burning software, but i've
found out that crossfades are abviously not the answer :-(

> Question: has anyone made a piece that includes a 'secret message' that
> is only intelligible while scrubbing?  Sounds like a fun challenge... :)

indeed ...

, p

> The trick being that different CD players 'scrub' at different rates...
> but perhaps it could work on most contemporary Sonys, etc...
>  aaron
>   ghede@xxxxxxxx
>   http://www.quietamerican.org
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