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Re: [microsound] cd track hack question
Ah, two (soon to be) and/OAR artists talking about audio tricks. Ciao
Paolo and Aaron! Since one of the discs that Aaron referred to, is an
upcoming release on the aforementioned label, I wanted to say that I just
hope that kind of disc configuration duplicates ok. I suppose I'll have
to have the duping company run a test before making a batch. Has anyone
tried getting cdr discs with hidden tracks and/or crossfades duplicated
and if so, with a successful result?
Ciao, Dale
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 09:33:32 +0200 "s'agita recordings" <mothra@xxxxxxxxx>
> > A track hack: on both the CDs I just finished, I've put extra
> sound before
> > track one. In order to hear it, you have to scrub-rewind *before*
> track one.
> how did you accomplish this ?
> after my last post curiosity sent me straight to burning software,
> but i've
> found out that crossfades are abviously not the answer :-(
Dale Lloyd: http://www.and-oar.org/dalelloyd.html
and/OAR: http://www.and-oar.org/
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