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Re: [microsound] cd track hack question
From: Aaron Ximm <ghede@xxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [microsound] cd track hack question
> Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.4.42.0304032313430.9025-100000@xxxxxxxx>
> A track hack: on both the CDs I just finished, I've put extra sound befor=
> track one. In order to hear it, you have to scrub-rewind *before* track
> one.
on an audio cd, according to (now expired) philips patent, every track has =
"lead-in" portion, what can contain audio like the rest of the disk. these
can be (practically) any lenght, only the lead-in before track 1 should be
2s. this CAN be stretched also (to hid a complete track before track 1
start), but now this is not a philips-standard disk. of course, as now the
patent is no more, it's easier to manufacture "mutant" disks, like these
stupid copy-"protected" disks..
the autechre disk (ep7?) is a well-known one, i think the last queens of th=
stone age disk also has a hidden song in the lead-in of track 1.
the lead-in should behave like this: you skip to (for example) track 3, the
playing starts from start of track 3, not playing the track 3 lead-in, to
hear this you rewind from start of track 3, or listen from start of track 2=
if you program the player to play tracks 2 and 4 (skippin 3), the player
should also skip the track 3 lead-in.
> Question: has anyone made a piece that includes a 'secret message' that
> is only intelligible while scrubbing? Sounds like a fun challenge... :)
> The trick being that different CD players 'scrub' at different rates...
> but perhaps it could work on most contemporary Sonys, etc...
> aaron
supposedly the song "erased" from NIN's fixed (the remixed version of
broken) has something like this... you should hear a voice saying
"e-r-a-s-e-d" by scrubbing the track forwards... i tried it, but the track
is so noisy and processed, that you can "hear" almost anything from the
scrubbed version.
other pranks: meat beat manifesto (hmm, many industrial skeltons in my
closet...) hid some quiet stereo stuff in a track "that shirt" from
"satyricon"-cd. all the "loud" stuff is mono, so you have to add the L + R
channels together, one out of phase, to hear the "secret" stuff.
one more: finnish band it=E4-saksa recorded one track on their first album
completely out of phase. so if you happen to listen to the cd in mono
equipment, the track cancels itself out, leaving the looped message "you ar=
under my control" (recorded normally) audible... too funny.
]]] tkorpipa@xxxxxxxxx [[[
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