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Re: [microsound] war
on 4/5/03 10:49 AM, dbuchwald at dagmar.buchwald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Yes, you are right. American religious fundamentalists who declare a
> "war of good against evil" and base that war on an 'ancient' book such
> as the bible are most dangerous people. They are not only bad
> Christians ignoring the ten commandments of their own religion, but at
> core they are manicheans, misguided and corrupt ones.
Operation Iraqi Freedom is not a Christian crusade.
People in Iraq are better off with out S.H. and his regime which supports
Baghdad was once a rich arts district and it can be once again.
A solution to deal with the terrorist threat and the danger you encounter
with urban combat
and suicide bombers would be to develope a droid army.
> By the way, get a grip on historical dates -- the great prophet (if you
> mean Muhammed with that epithet) certainly did not defeat Neanderthal
> man.
Africa wasn't always predominately muslim, that's actually a modern religion
like Judaism and
All prophets and religions (for the most part) preach a positive message:
Goodwill towards man.
People should have the freedom to question religion, where is the evidence
of these so called
A thousand/ two thousand years ago people did not know about outer space, it
is more logical
to conclude that these tales of Angelic beings could have easily been extra
terrestrial in origin.
Humans are learning more about themselves by reconstructing the human
genetic code, intons
and exons, are humans a higher form of being or the more dominant species
overpopulating the
Earth and devouring Earths natural resources in this constant state of
Someone made the comment 'these are the end times' more like the end times
of ancient
folklore which lacked the comprehension knowledge of science we take for
granted in these
more modern times.
*steps off podiums after lecher at Major University with jeers and boos in
the background*