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Re[2]: [microsound] (ot) re: Kontakt (prevent a grown man from crying please)
Hello ale***,
Monday, April 7, 2003, 1:13:41 AM, you wrote:
>> So, is there anyone on this list using
>> Kontakt and Windows XP that can recommend something
>> like Pro Tools (preferably with a demo that I can
>> download) that will enable me to record.
Yeah. Windows XP *should* have option similar to "what you hear" in
Sound Blaster LIVE! in the mixer so you might be able to record
ANYTHING what comes to line out/speaker out of your PC.
Also BUZZ loads and records KONTAKT, but you'll probably hate Buzz's
But there's another question poped-up here regarding Kontakt! Not sure
about Ableton, but SF ACID (at least v.4 which i use) DO understanf
VSTi - things Like NI FM7, Fruity Loops, Signum S1000 etc. work OK in
ACID, they understand notation, they render to wav etc, but. Kontakt
doesn't work. More to say when ACID's plug-in browser looks into VST
and VSTi folders - it sees everything except for Kontakt. Anybody knows
what the hell it might be? I didn't try that hard to find some engine,
but only thing that loaded KONTAKT in is BUZZ! Pretty weird since Buzz
"himself" is pretty unstable and sometimes buggy, especially regarding
Best regards,
-ED mailto:minused@xxxxxxxxxxxx