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[ot] war
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A recent speech by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi
Excerpt: "Thank you very much, Mr. President,
"It is exactly a week since I last had the honour to address this
Council. During that week we have all been watching hour by hour, on our
television screens, the terrifying impact of modern weaponry on Iraq and
its people.
"We not only mourn the dead. We must also feel anguish for the living,
and especially for the children. We can only imagine the physical and
emotional scars that they will bear, perhaps for the rest of their
"All of us must regret that our intense efforts to achieve a peaceful
solution, through this Council, did not succeed.
"Many people ask why the Iraqi government did not take full advantage of
the last chance they were given by the Council, by cooperating actively,
wholeheartedly - in substance as well as procedure - with the inspectors
that the Council sent to ensure that Iraq was disarmed of weapons of
mass destruction.
"But, at the same time, many people around the world are seriously
questioning whether it was legitimate for some member states to proceed
to such a fateful action now - an action that has far-reaching
consequences well beyond the immediate military dimensions - without
first reaching a collective decision of this Council.
"The inability of the Council to agree earlier on a collective course of
action places an even greater burden on you today...."
(continued at site)
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