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Re: [microsound] [ot] war

someone should explain to the rwandans what it is that makes an iraqi child
more important than a rwandan child in the eyes of the UN.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Thomson" <hellomynameisphil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 10:21 PM
Subject: [microsound] [ot] war

> A recent speech by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi
> Annan:
> http://www.un.org/apps/sg/sgstats.asp?nid=295
> Excerpt: "Thank you very much, Mr. President,
> "It is exactly a week since I last had the honour to address this
> Council. During that week we have all been watching hour by hour, on our
> television screens, the terrifying impact of modern weaponry on Iraq and
> its people.
> "We not only mourn the dead. We must also feel anguish for the living,
> and especially for the children. We can only imagine the physical and
> emotional scars that they will bear, perhaps for the rest of their
> lives.
> "All of us must regret that our intense efforts to achieve a peaceful
> solution, through this Council, did not succeed.
> "Many people ask why the Iraqi government did not take full advantage of
> the last chance they were given by the Council, by cooperating actively,
> wholeheartedly - in substance as well as procedure - with the inspectors
> that the Council sent to ensure that Iraq was disarmed of weapons of
> mass destruction.
> "But, at the same time, many people around the world are seriously
> questioning whether it was legitimate for some member states to proceed
> to such a fateful action now - an action that has far-reaching
> consequences well beyond the immediate military dimensions - without
> first reaching a collective decision of this Council.
> "The inability of the Council to agree earlier on a collective course of
> action places an even greater burden on you today...."
> (continued at site)
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