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Re: [microsound] war+ technlogy

I also share this dilema.  Before I decided to go to school in Boston I
was playing with the idea of buying land in Oregon and homesteading.  The
idea is still very attractive to me and I plan to do it some day.  Now I
live in the middle of the city and I sit in front of a computer all day
programming.  I enjoy it.  I guess my fantsy is to live in the middle of
nowhere in an earthship with a computer and a sound system powered by the

Technology is a part of nature because we are part of nature.  However, I
think we've become quite unbalanced, constructing our world more than
experiencing it.

As to technology and/vs. microsound, I can say only this:  The most
interesting musical event I've witnessed, so far,  occured on my mother's
back porch in Colorado.  There were a whole bunch of squirells and birds
in the trees and they seemed to be having some sort of argument over the
territory.  The combination of their chattering and chirps was a texture
so rich and stimulating that it caused me to smile uncontrollably and
giggle too.  It was stunning. I wish Xenakis could have been there, he
probably would have built a concert hall around the trees and told the
animals to never stop making that lovely racket :)


> BTW, that's interesting to learn what listers think of technology
> development - do they see it as beneficial (seems natural, as without it
> the genre wouldn't exist) or evil. I, personally, have mixed feelings
> about this - seeing the benefits but very often almost ready to give
> them up for a more natural, even if less comofrtable way of living.
> I realize it was variously discussed before, I remember the thesis of
> microsound being critical of technology rather than appreciative if it.
> Still once again I'm curious what you all think. Well, that's if anyone
> feels like sharing :)
> ant
