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RE: [microsound] RE: [personal] [microsound] Ableton Live and MP3

My only argument with this is that some people DO have the machines 
that can cope with the overhead of what you describe and so why deny
them it. However I don't use Live on a regular basis and I don't really 
care :-) 

-----Original Message-----
From: ::) [mailto:r3dshift@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 07 April 2003 14:57
To: microsound
Subject: Re: [microsound] RE: [personal] [microsound] Ableton Live and

live does not store samples in memory, but rather reads them off the
disk live, each time the sample is played.  for this reason, mp3 support
would entail an mp3 being read by the drive, decoded, stretched or
compressed (depending on your warp settings on the sample in Live) and
then fx would be added on top of that.

overall, most people recognize that the CPU and system overhead is not
worth it when you can just convert the sample to WAV and use the sample
material without the extra CPU overhead.


----- Original Message -----
From: "mark" <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'microsound'" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <flippy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 8:22 AM
Subject: [microsound] RE: [personal] [microsound] Ableton Live and MP3

> It does seem odd to argue NOT to add a feature like this - I mean you 
> don't have to use it and its not difficult to add technically. 
> Curious.
> Me - I use all sorts of samples - from completely shitty ones recorded

> on my ipaq to pristine ones digitally created and lovingly edited in
> Soundforge.
> They are all grist to the mill. As you say deny yourself nothing - I
> have a
> cheap casio home organ type keyboard I bought years ago as a basic
> controller
> when I was first starting out and I still occasionaly use it for
> (my son likes the really tacky demo track as well (he's one))
> I've had a play with Live and I must say it's a pretty cool tool
> cheers
> mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: flippy [mailto:flippy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of ben dixon
> Sent: 07 April 2003 07:36
> To: Microsound
> Subject: [personal] [microsound] Ableton Live and MP3
> When I found Ableton Live, I thought I'd found exactly the tool I'd 
> been searching for for ever.  Very impressed - it does everything I 
> need it for, simply and effectively.  Then I found the one fatal flaw.

> It doesn't seem to handle mp3's.
> Since when I play, I use samples and field recordings in both wav and 
> mp3 format, this cuts my palette in half.  I suppose I could get a 
> very large external hard drive, and convert all the mp3's into wav's, 
> but this seems excessive.
> Especially since it wouldn't be hard to build mp3-wav decoding into 
> Live (like may other audio manipulation software does - it doesn't 
> even have to be done on the fly - decode to the scratch disk when you 
> load the
> sample...)
> After reading the various arguments on Ableton's forum, there seem to 
> be as many people requesting that MP3 support *not* be added, as there

> are people asking for it.  Which seems strange to me - is a less than 
> perfect sample to be discarded, just because it isnt perfect?  How 
> many recordings are degraded by wind or other noise, or poor recording

> technique?  (some might balk at calling this 'degradation', and label 
> it as 'atmosphere'...)
> If one is going to bend, warp and filter the sample anyway, what 
> difference does it make if it isnt pristine?
> And of course, there is content.  A given sample that is available 
> only as an MP3 (downloaded from the net, for eg) may be perfect from a

> content perspective.
> Recycle. Re-use.  But neither extreme to the exclusion of the other. 
> Why deny onself every opportunity and resource available.
> Any thoughts from people on Microsound that make music and do sound 
> installations?
> Cheers,
> ben
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